Charly Boy’s Pulpit is a Street style motivational program designed to inspire Mass mobilization of the Nigerian Populist. The show will involve Vox pop that airs views of people on the street and a street panel to trash out trending issues as they arise. Area Fada believes that it is time in the history of a suffering people when the Status quo that has eternally failed can no longer be sustained.
Let the hungry, angry, vexed, frustrated and hopeless be bonded in a Coalition of the Willing to reclaim a country that’s desperately in need of a new direction to follow and a New Path to chart. He believes that 2017 provides an opportunity for aggressive resolutions and a call for revolution against the Political/Religious Class that has succeed in bastardizing our collective commonwealth and has humiliated our shared humanity.
We have always been promised good governance and failure has been the only result. 2017 must be the year where our anger, vexation and frustration is mobilized towards the nationalization of our mentality and the empowerment of our ability to fight for our future.
Charly Boy Debuts his daughter Dominic Oputa aka Dewy on this show as she bonds her creative and Youthful intelligence to a selfless course
This Revolution will be televised on LindaIkejiTV; Don’t be told. #OurMumuDonDo…