How to Talk Someone You Have Never Met

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When you meet new people or strangers and you want to make a good impression, it is important to talk to them. Talking to strangers is not that much mind-boggling. Don’t wait too long to approach someone. Take a deep breath, think of good opening and go to talk to that person. You fear the awkward silence when you are expected to make small talk with a stranger. Try to start with a simple “Hi or Hello, I am Jolie.” Ask some simple questions about what you do or where you come from. Start with small talk and let the conversation going into something interesting. If you are still struggling with talking to someone then here are some important tips that will help you to talk someone you have never met.

How to Talk Someone You Have Never Met

Best Tips to Talk Someone You Have Never Met:

1.) Think of a Conversation Starter

If you want to talk someone you have never met then you need a conversation starter. If you think of a conversation starter, you will reassure the person that you are friendly, you follow social cues and you are genuinely interested in that person.

  • Don’t overthink it. Start with simple “Hello, How are you?” It works well.
  • Comment on something that is happening around both of you. Like if you both are at the same place then you can comment on something you like.
  • You can ask a question about something that is happening around you. You can ask for the time or for the directions.

2.) Start with a Small Talk to Talk Someone You Have Never Met

Starting with a small talk will tell you a lot about the other person and then you may lead to more meaningful conversation.

  • Ask the person what they do and tell them what you do. If you both are professional, then you both can talk about your jobs.
  • Ask the person where they are from as it is a perfect small talk question.
  • Ask the person what are their hobbies. Hopefully, they have fun stories and exciting hobbies to tell.

3.) Be Funny to Talk Someone You Have Never Met

If you are actually a funny person then let some jokes fly. If you don’t have a good sense of humor, then try to be funny. Some people think that they are funny but they are not. Don’t make an effort to be funny because it can spoil your conversation. A couple of jokes can impress that person and your conversation may go long.


4.) Pay Attention to Your Body Language

Body language says a lot about you and it can reveal about you when you are bored, excited, sad or happy.

  • Maintain eye contact with the person you talk.
  • Smile sincerely as this shows how you are feeling from inside.
  • Don’t come off too friendly and keep your hands under control.
  • Laugh at their silly jokes and talk slowly.

5.) Share Information About Yourself

Don’t always wait for the other person to ask you a question in order to talk about yourself. This is the good way to start a conversation with a stranger.

  • If the other person talks about having camping over the weekend then you can relate your experience if you have ever had camping.
  • Share something about yourself that fits the flow of the conversation.
  • Tell some interesting stories but don’t get cocky. Telling stories will offer a chance to take a break from talking and encourage the other person to open up as well.

6.) Find If You Have Something in Common

After having  a small conversation, now you can feel that there is a bond between both of you. Finding common things is the best way for other people to understand you.

  • Talk on social commonalities that include role models, birthplace, travel destinations, school, movies or sports team.
  • Don’t talk about politics and religion because these topics provoke strong emotional responses. Wait for a third or fourth meeting to talk about politics and religion.

7.) Be Sincere to Talk Someone You Have Never Met

Sincerity is the thing that you should offer the person throughout your conversation. Being sincere will tell other person that you are showing them the real you. Being sincere is the good way to talk someone you have never met.

  • If you joke around a lot then say like “I am kidding.” This shows an ability to switch being funny to being sincere.
  • It’s okay if you share something that you don’t normally share with people. People like it if you are calm in a collected way. It shows the person how real you are.

8.) Know When to End the Conversation

Every conversation has a beginning, the middle and an end to it. It should not go on forever. You should know when to end the conversation and move onto the next one. It is a natural thing to end the conversation, it doesn’t mean that you failed.

  • If you talked for 15 to 30 minutes with someone you have never met before then you have done a great job. End your conversation by saying, “Well, it was nice talking to you.” You can exchange your phone numbers if the other person seems interested.
  • If you have talked for more than half an hour then that doesn’t mean you should talk through the night all the time. After a certain point, look for ways to say goodbye.

Other Useful Tips to Talk Someone You Have Never Met:

  • When you get to know a stranger, they become more comfortable with you. Don’t try to push their comfort level.
  • Never ask the too personal question because they may feel uncomfortable when talking to you.
  • If the person seems uncomfortable then give them some space and slow down.
  • Don’t take it personally if the person is sarcastic, immature, arrogant or rude in his or her initial reply.
  • When they become more comfortable, try to move closer.
  • Notice their body language as it says a lot.
  • Listen to them carefully what they are saying.
  • When you talk to someone, be calm and take a deep breath.
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