How to Get Over a Crush?

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Everyone gets a crush in their life, it may be in teenage or in any period of life. Getting crush is the very common thing but getting over a crush is the toughest part. Getting crush is exciting when you see your crush you feel you have reached the top of the world and that feeling when you start getting collywobbles in your stomach, all these are the effects of having a crush on someone.  Having crush is indeed wonderful but many times our crush gets crushed as the other person is not even interested in us or already has someone else in their life. Yes! This is the saddest part but still we do not feel like getting over him/her. Even though we try a lot to get over a crush fast and many times also curse ourselves to forget our crush and move on but it keeps coming back.

Getting over a crush may be a tedious job to do and many times seem impossible to conquer. When we can’t get our crush, seeing him increases our pain and we die inside a little even at the mention of their name. Feel devastated and feel life to be in vain without him/her. To get your life back in tracks and live it fully you need to forget your crush. Check out this amazing list of things to get over a crush follow these and live your life again.

How to Get Over a Crush

Steps to Get Over a Crush:

1.) Share with Friends:

Sharing your problem with someone works as a therapy that is why we go to a psychiatrist when we feel depressed or talk to a counselor when feel misguided. Letting your feeling flow helps a lot to get peace in life. When you share you let your feelings go out and also less mess creates inside your head. When you will share with your friends they will also try to guide you or suggest you about right or wrong ways. Friends mostly make fun of crush which lightens the mood and situation and when one talk about the same thing over and over again you will get tired of listening to it and it will help you to forget the person more easily.

2.) Confess to Get Over a Crush:

How do you know what is in his/her mind without confessing him/her? You can not read minds, right? Plus even if they have no interest in you still you need to confess. Maybe a direct rejection would help you to move on further. Confessing is better than regretting it not doing. There are many situations we encounter in our life when we just think of doing something but due to lack of courage we do nothing and, later on, regret thinking of it. Tell him/her how you feel about them if they like you back then you are a lucky person but if not then you have got to accept it and move on with it. Thus, it is always advisable to confess irrespective of the consequence. Go on and do it, believe me, you can.


3.) Accept Situation:

Knowledge is a bliss! If you know that your crush is not interested in you accept it. If their answer is NO, accept it and move on. You do not need to cry thinking about the same person who doesn’t even know how you feel. Don’t waste your time for someone who are unaware of your feelings. Be happy for those who love you. One person is not the world right! Live for those who loves you I know it is tough but life is all about being strong. Be strong face the reality move on. Somewhere your soul mate is waiting for you and they would definitely not like to see you crying.

4.) Divert Your Thoughts:

When we have a crush on someone we keep on thinking about them all day and all night long. There is nothing new in this, we all do that but once we have accepted that it is of no use then we should try to stop thinking about them. It won’t happen at once and to stop thinking about them you need to start thinking about something else which is worthy. Whenever you get a thought of them you should divert you mind to some other topic. Topics which will engage your mind and will make you forget about your crush.

5.) Try New Things:

Try to learn something new, or do something which you always wanted to do but couldn’t. Learning new things will keep you engaged and will slowly help you to get over a crush plus you will acquire a new skill. You can learn any new language or try mountaineering, bungee jumping, scuba diving or anything you always dreamt of. Learning new things are fun and a great and fun way to forget about your crush. Get new hobbies like if you don’t know how to swim learn, you may enjoy it more than anything else.

6.) Set a Goal:

Challenge yourself, try to be the best version of you. Once you will start falling in love with yourself you would no longer wail for someone else. Everyone deserves to be loved and for that first of all, you have to love yourself the most. Have you ever desired to be like someone? Or to achieve something in your life? Make your goal your priority, give meaning to your life. Think what makes you unique and sharpen your skills. Improve yourself do try to be like your idol.

7.) Rid of Things that Reminds of Him/Her:

Your crush gets crushed if you don’t see that person for a period of time. Is there anything that reminds you of his/her? Get rid of that thing as that thing would haunt you and will remind you of your crush. You seriously need to get rid of objects or memories which remind you of your crush. Once you will become normal everything will be fine and then seeing your crush would also not matter.

8.) Do What You Like to Get Over a Crush:

If you like to read, read a lot or if cooking is your hobby go for it. It doesn’t matter what you like to do start doing it often as it would prove to be an escape from thinking about your crush and eventually will help you to forget about them.

9.) Spend Time with People You Love:

We all have people in our life who makes us happy. Spend time with such people, plan a trip with them or you can also invite them to have a party with you. Spending time with your loved ones would divert your mind and will help you to get over a crush.

10.) Be Positive & Get Over a Crush:

There is someone better out there waiting for you. You deserve the best, think that best is about to happen and believe in it. When you think positive you feel positive and good things happen with you. You have to believe that best is yet to come and this is not the end. You can start doing meditation as it calms your mind and fills positivity in you. Reading good and inspiring book may also help. These are ways to get over a crush which is definitely gonna help you.

Check Out this Video to Know More on This Topic:

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