Having a relationship with a shy girl requires extra care and attention. This article will provide you some strategies to have a relationship with a shy girl. A new relationship is a very exciting time when you get to know each other. But if you like a shy girl then getting closer to her requires respect and patience. Understanding a shy girl is very challenging. You need to take the initiative to be slow and win her heart. Therefore, he should understand the concept of making her feel special like a princess. It is very simple and easy to have a relationship with a shy girl. But you need to follow some steps.
Best Ways to Have a Relationship with a Shy Girl:
1.) Understand the Type of Shyness
Shyness is very common among girls. You need to analyze or understand the type of shyness your girl has. Different types of shy are there. If your girl is verbally shy that means she talks very little and she goes blank when spoken to. If your girl is physically shy that means she doesn’t like when you touch her. She may be cover up shy if she is outgoing but never wants to talk about her relationship. That means she feels shy if someone talks about her relationship.
2.) Earn Her Trust to Have a Relationship with a Shy Girl
It is very difficult to earn a shy girl’s trust because she often feels left on the sidelines. Make sure she feels safe with you before moving the relationship forward. You should respect her shy nature. If she is not comfortable to do anything then don’t pressurize her. Such type of girls doesn’t want to be alone with you. Make her feel comfortable by taking her to a place where lots of people are present.
3.) Take Her to a Safe and Private Place
If she is verbally shy then she will definitely scare to talk with friends and strangers. Taking her to a safe and private place is the best way to have a relationship with a shy girl. The conversation that takes place at restaurants, in quiet cafes or during parties can make a shy person shut down.
4.) Let Her Start the Conversation
A shy girl will always scare to confrontation. Don’t use harsh language. Once she is comfortable to open up to you then give her a chance to start the conversation. Let her talk about what she wants. If she doesn’t know how to start the conversation then talk to her about things she has already discussed. If you are going outside with her then let her choose the restaurant as it will increase her confidence level.
5.) If she is Physically Shy then Make Her Comfortable
Make it clear that you respect her boundaries. Start touching her forearm or shoulder. Point her to remove twig in her hair. If she feels comfortable then move on to more intimate gestures such as holding her hand, tucking her hair behind the ear or slightly rubbing your arm around her waist. Give her time if she is not interested. If you give her the impression that you are desperate for a more physical relationship then she may feel pressured. If she acts on this then she will end up the relationship.
6.) Getting Her Attention
Getting her attention is the perfect way to have a relationship with a shy girl. Shy girls get lost in the crowded area. Some girls feel insecure and awkward in a crowded place. Don’t expect her to chat like other girls do. She is hesitant and reserved. Get her attention to show that you are genuinely like her. Sometimes it helps shy girls to treat guys as friends. Speak to her as a friend so that she feels comfortable with you. Follow a friendly approach, don’t show off.
7.) Respect Her Feelings
Shy girls take the time to open up. Respecting her feelings is the best way to have a relationship with a shy girl. Give her reassurance when she goes out to do something difficult such as meeting your friends or family. Introduce her to your friend circle. Introduce her one person at one time rather than a large group of friends. Listen to her carefully when she talks and appreciate her concerns and thoughts.
8.) Online Communication to Have a Relationship with a Shy Girl
There are many ways to know a shy girl. You can talk to her face to face, text messages, chat, and email. She may probably open up more easily through electronic communication. Start conversation through text messages or email like say simply “hello”. If you find her comfortable, then talk to her for a long time. Ask her about her interests and tell her your interest as well. If she is taking interests that means she likes to talk with you.
9.) Be Generous with Compliments
It is important to show dating etiquette when you talk to a shy girl. Giving compliments is the way to have a relationship with a shy girl. Boost her confidence by complimenting her like ” you look beautiful”, ” your smile is so cute”, or ” you smell good”. It will set the happy mood at the beginning of your date.
10.) Be Humorous
It seems very attractive to crack jokes and to be playful when you are with a shy girl. It will be good to add a humor in your conversation. But be careful because sometimes shy girls don’t like being funny around her. So choose your words carefully.
Other Useful Tips:
- When you talk to her, make eye contact. If she trusts you then she will start to look at you.
- Be kind to her as shy girls can be emotionally tender.
- Do some activities together so that you both can enjoy as it will help her to open up to you.
- Don’t ask her why she is so shy because it may hurt her feelings.
- Don’t get physical in public because she will become embarrassed.
- Try to make her smile.
- If she is shy doesn’t mean that she is not confident.