The son of the Caliphate star, Yakubu Mohammed known as Dikko Loko releases end of the year pictures

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The controversial ‘Dikko Loko’ is a famous character to viewers of Ebonylife Tv series; ‘The Sons Of the Caliphate’ which is produced by Mo Abudu. This contentious role is played by Nollywood Star Actor “Yakubu Mohammed” who has been able to wow the audience by doing justice to the character he played in this series.

Yakubu Mohammed has become a household name and asides his good looks he isn’t one to go unnoticeable as he is a well-known Talented Nollywood actor, Singer, Model and also Globacom Ambassador.

To end the year and usher fans into 2017, Yakubu has released sizzling pictures and has this to say

“As the year 2016 ends and as you walk into 2017, remember the road to getting to the Promised Land is not guaranteed to be smooth. Be ready to find stumbling blocks along the way but do not quit or despair, keep forging ahead through sheer willpower and determination”


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