How to Remove Moles? (Home Remedies)

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Moles also known as melanocytic nevi are brown, black, dark-colored patches on the skin which are caused due to the pigmentation of melanin forming cells. Melanin is already present in the skin it helps to determine the color of skin and hair. However, if it is produced in excess then it leads moles, Though moles are not harmful to the health but they do not make you look attractive. The prime cause of moles area hormonal change, over sun exposure and genetics. They generally appear during 20’s and 30’s and naturally fades away. However, if they do not fade away with time then you can also get rid of them at the home and do not have to go for aesthetic surgeries unnecessarily. Read more, to know the ways remove moles at home.

How to Remove Moles

Home Remedies to Remove Moles:

1.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Remove Moles

ACV is one of the best home remedies for moles. It is acidic in nature, therefore, it helps to get rid of the moles. However, it is a time taking process. But you will definitely get positive results.

How to Use ACV?

  •  Soak a cotton swab into the ACV and place it directly on the mole. Cover it with the bandage so that it does not move from there. Do this regularly for 8-10 days.
  • For effective results first rub off the mole with warm water and then with the emery board and then with the help of the cotton ball apply ACV on the on it. Leave it for a few minutes and then rinse it off with water.Repeat this 3-5 times a day.
  • If the moles leaves a scar then apply coconut oil to treat the scar.
  • Apply petroleum jelly on the skin around the mole to prevent it from the damage.

2.) Flaxseed Oil to Remove Moles

Flaxseed oil is also one of the best home remedies for moles, especially for raised moles. It makes the mole soft and in the course of time, they are easy to remove.

How to Use Flaxseed Oil?

  • Mix an equal amount of flaxseed oil and honey. Mix both the ingredients thoroughly. And apply it on the affected skin.
  • Let this mixture sit on the move for an hour and then rinse it off.
  • Repeat this procedure 3-4 times a day until the mole easily comes off.

3.) Garlic to Remove Moles

Garlic is one of the common kitchen ingredients that can be used to get rid of moles. It has enzymes that break down the cells that produce pigment. It also helps to lighten the color of pigmentation.

How to Use Garlic?

  • Crush the handful of garlic clove and spread it over the mole.
  • Cover it with the bandage and leave it for a night.
  • Rinse it with cold water on the following morning.
  • Do this regularly to remove moles. Make sure that you clean the affected area with the alcohol or a disinfectant before applying the garlic.

4.) Castor Oil to Remove Moles

You can also use castor oil for removing moles, skin tags and warts. It is a discutient, therefore, it inhibits the pigmentation. Moreover, it won’t leave the scar behind. But it is a time-consuming remedies but worth doing.

How to Use Castor Oil?

  • Combine a few drops of castor oil and a dash of baking soda. In addition, you can add aspirin as well. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Apply this mixture on the mole and gently rub it.
  •  Let the mixture stay on the affected skin for a few minutes. then rinse it water with water.
  •  You can also rub castor oil alone on the mole.
  •  Do this regularly to get rid of moles.

5.) Grapefruit Seed Extract to Remove Moles

The extract of grapefruit seed is a rich source of flavonoids and Vitamin E. Because of all these characteristics it is one of the ideal home remedies for moles.

How to Use Grapefruit Seed Extract?

  • Apply a drop of grapefruit seed extract on the mole then secure it with the bandage. Leave it for an hour and then rinse it off. Repeat this 3-4 times a day until the moles are gone completely.
  • You can also apply the mixture of avocado oil and grapefruits seed extract to get rid of moles.
  • Apply this mixture regularly until you get satisfactory results.

6.) Aloe-Vera to Remove Moles

How can we forget Aloe-Vera? The all-rounder ready! It is mild in nature and, therefore, it can be applied to any skin type. It removes the mole and lightens its scar as well.

How to Apply Aloe-Vera?

  • Extract fresh gel from the Aloe-Vera leaf and directly apply it on the mole.
  • Cover it with a bandage and leave it on for a few hours. At last, rinse it off nicely.
  • Do this several times in the day to remove moles.

7.) Iodine to Remove Moles

  • Another remedy in the list of household remedies to get rid of moles of iodine. A tincture of iodine helps to remove the skin tags and moles. It inhibits the growth of cells that leads pigmentation. It is readily available at the drug store.

How to Apply Iodine?

  • Spread 5% of iodine solution on the affected area of the skin. Secure it with a bandage and leave it on for a whole night rinse it off next morning.
  • If the mole is flat then scratch it gently with an emery board before spreading the iodine.
  • Moreover, clean the affected area nicely before starting the whole procedure to remove moles.

8.) Onion Juice to Remove Moles

Another natural remedy for moles is onion juice. It is acidic in nature, therefore, it removes the moles and maintains the skin tone as well.

How to Use Onion Juice?

  • With the help of the cotton ball apply a fresh onion juice on the moles. Rinse it off after a few minutes., when it completely dries. Repeat this 3-4 times a day regularly.
  • You can also apply a mixture of ACV and onion juice to remove moles. Leave it for a night and rinse it off on the following morning. Repeat this regularly until the moles fades off completely.

9.) Pineapple Juice to Remove Moles

Pineapple not only helps to get rid of moles, in fact it lightens its marks as well. Just extract a pineapple juice from the pineapple fruit and you are ready to use it.

How to Apply Pineapple Juice?

  • Dip a cotton swab into the pineapple juice and dab it over the mole before going to the bed.
  • Wash it off on the following morning.
  • Repeat this 3-4 times day regularly until the mole fades away.

10.) Frankincense to Remove Moles

The essential oil of frankincense is also one of the best remedies to remove the moles. It works as an astringent. Frankincense dries the mole and gradually diminish it.

How to Apply Frankincense?

  • Mix together 7-8 tbsps of olive oil and frankincense essential oil.
  • With the help of cotton ball apply it on the mole. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse it off.
  • Repeat this 3-4 times a day.
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