How to Get Rid of Dark Circles?
|How to get rid of dark circles under eyes? The under eye circles are one of the hurdles to look beautiful. How to get rid of dark circles and the puffiness as well is the question which I usually I asked to myself every day. But thinking about it is not much enough. I decided to work out to get rid of dark circles. I came to know that there are many reasons that why we get these circles and also there are many methods to get rid of them. You can also read Causes of dark circles, Home remedies for dark circles under eyes?, How to cure puffy eyes and bags under eyes?, How to get rid of bags under eyes?, and How to get rid of dark circles? on our website.
The following tips will show you that how we can remove these circles and puffiness under the eyes:
Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles:
1.) Leave the Oily Cosmetics to Get Rid of Dark Circles
The oily cosmetics products play a very special role in the appearance of dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. For the best results we should use the lighter products which are aqua base. The products which have water in them, they are much lighter than the oily products. The water based products in the cosmetics is much valuable for those people who want to get rid of the dark circles and the puffiness. The skin also feels lighter and soft by the use of the water based products.
2.) PMS to Get Rid of Dark Circles
The monthly cycle is a noticeable thing in this regard. You should have a proper check and balance on the monthly cycle of the PMS menstruation cycle. You should take a proper and balanced diet in order to in order to have a healthy PMS menstruation cycle. This will helps you a lot to give a fresh look to your skin and particularly the eyes.
3.) Medicals Issues to Get Rid of Dark Circles
The problem of the dark circles can be due to the reaction of some of the allergic things. It can also be a problem of the kidney infection. If there are other symptoms are also there like fever, rash of the skin, or the problem of breathing, etc. then go ahead and contact with your doctor. If the reason is the allergy of these dark circles and puffiness, then you should get to know that which things are responsible for this allergic reaction in your diet. Once you get to know about those food items or anything else, then tell them good bye forever in order to look more healthy and fresh. The allergic reactions can cause due to the commercial pasteurized milk from the cows which are hormone treated, etc. The allergic reaction can also cause due to the cosmetic products which are made by the high use of the chemicals.
4.) Wet Paper Towel to Get Rid of Dark Circles
This is a great thing about the wet paper towel that it can help in the disappearing of the dark circles and puffiness from the eyes by keeping it in the freezer in the night. In the morning you just have to get that freeze wet paper towel out from the freezer and give it some time to unthaw, and then place that wet paper towel around your eyes. This treatment can give you the best results in just two weeks as this has been told to us by one of our readers.
5.) Nasal Congestion to Get Rid of Dark Circles
The nasal congestion can be the reason of the darkness under the eyes. So we should focus on it in order to have fresh skin.
6.) Sunscreen to Get Rid of Dark Circles
The sunscreen is a very important factor. It helps the skin to remain prevent from the dangerous rays of the sun. The sun is one of the major factors in order to darken the skin. So the use of the sunscreen is best.
7.) Enlarged Blood Cells to Get Rid of Dark Circles
The blood cells can also be the reason for the darkness of the eyes and puffiness. To avoid this you should start using a double pillow. This is needed in order to stop the blood flow towards the eyes during your sleep time. The remedy for this is to put spoons in the freezer and then take them out in the morning and then cool press them under your eyes. It will remove the puffiness.
8.) Excessive Smoking or Drinking to Get Rid of Dark Circles
In this heading we are going to talk about the habit of smoking and drinking. The excess of smoking and drinking can cause many health and mainly skin problems. The results in very poor blood circulation. You should lessen down your consumption up to the two and then you will see the remarkable results.
9.) Hereditary to Get Rid of Dark Circles
The puffiness and darkness can be a problem which is being inherited from the family. If this is the problem with you then you need not to choose any remedy or any other method from the world of cosmetics. The only thing you can do is to use the concealer to hide all these things.
10.) Exercise Facial Muscles to Get Rid of Dark Circles
This is a great fact that if we do the exercise of the facial muscles then we can get a very fine tuning to our muscles. This will give a great look to our face. This will make the blood flow better and the small creases will be removed down.
11.) Enough Sleep to Get Rid of Dark Circles
To get enough sleep is a main factor in order to remain fit and fine. The sleep should be satisfied completely in order to get healthier skin. The tiredness of the eyes will get removed if the sleep will be good.
12.) Soothing EYE Cream to Get Rid of Dark Circles
The soothing eye cream is a good option to remove the dark circles and the puffiness. There are many soothing creams which are made of many natural products. They can give the best results to you.
Other Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles:
The nature is the best thing in this world. The natural remedies always give benefit. They have no side effects. They should be used regularly in our daily life. The slices of cool cucumber, the lemon juice, the potato, the tomato, the milk, cream, etc. are the natural products which can help in the removal of the darkness and the puffiness of the eyes.
1.) Don’t Stress to Get Rid of Dark Circles
You should avoid stress. The stress can cause very serious damages to your health. The eyes are always getting more rapidly affected by the stress.
2.) Lots of Water to Get Rid of Dark Circles
The water is the best thing for the living things. The water allows the skin to get hydrated. The proper hydration is very necessary to avoid all kinds of skin problems. It helps in the normal blood flow.
3.) Not Enough Iron to Get Rid of Dark Circles
The deficiency of the iron can also be the cause of this problem. The iron deficiency can lead to various skin problems. There will be the symptoms of yellowing of the skin and the nails. You should go ahead for the test of the anemia. The proper diet and supplements eatables should be taken accordingly.
4.) Maintaining a Healthy Diet to Get Rid of Dark Circles
A fit and healthy diet is a good thing in all manners. The diet is the responsible for all the fitness of the body. There should be a good usage of the Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and the folic acid. The fruits are the best option for the intake of these vitamins.
5.) Remove Make Up Every Night to Get Rid of Dark Circles
The make-up is one of the important things in our daily routine. We should remove the make-up on every night before going to the bed. This is necessary as the makeup always contains chemicals which can harm the skin and the eyes.
6.) Don’t Be Too Close to Get Rid of Dark Circles
While watching the TV or while sitting in front of the PC, we have to take good care of the eyes. The eyes should not be exposed too close to the TV screens. As the TV screens emit the rays which can harm our eyes and it can also affect our eyesight. So we have to be very careful about it.
7.) Under Eye Concealment to Get Rid of Dark Circles
The concealment is one of the major factors in covering our affected skin parts. The best the concealing is the best look we will have. The under eye concealment should be chosen in accordance with the skin color and skin type.
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